Outside (Morning Song) by Asian Goat Project - Video Clip Blog, News, Photography, VideoMatthew Syres6 June 2011Canon 5D mkII, Canon 7D, lens baby, music, video, video clip
Photoshop CS5 (ACR 6.0) Raw Conversion High ISO Test Blog, Raw ProcessingMatthew Syres27 July 20101/10, 800 ISO, ACR 4-5, ACR 6-0, Adobe, Camera Raw, Canon, Conversion, CS3, CS5, F2-8, G9, High ISO, Lightroom, music, Noise, Photography, Photoshop, Processing, Raw, Raw Conversion, Reduction
Clayton Thomas at the Excelsior Hotel Blog, StageMatthew Syres6 October 20091600 ISO, Canon, G9, gig, improvised, live performance, music, People, Photography
H30 Photographic Exhibition and Album Launch Art, BlogMatthew Syres10 March 2009Album Launch, Archival, exhibition, Forenzics, Gallery Red, H3O, inkjet, Large Format, Limited Edition, music, Nature, Photography